Friday, June 10, 2011

6/10 Friday Friendzone: Battle of the Sexes (Part 1)

Welcome back to my friendzone...where escape is nearly impossible!

This week we begin a 2-part series called Battle of the Sexes with an all-male panel responding to questions about the female kind...and next week we'll hear what females have to say about the guys!  Man...I can just feel the testosterone already....

1. What is your understanding of PMS?
Scott: It's one of those things that really separates the female condition from the male experience--hormonal chaos in a monthly ritual of biological entrapment.  I will never understand what it feels like to have an egg pass through my body and be sucked into a tampon in one bloody reminder of reproductive potentiality.  So on the one hand, I do sympathize with women for the burden their bodies place on them.  But on the other hand, I think there's few things in life more annoying and useless than trying to reason with a female in the middle of a mood swing.
Joses: PMS stands for Perpetual Menstrual Syndrome, contrary to a widespread and erroneous belief that the 'P' stands for 'pre'. In essence it refers to the state of being where one's emotions contradict facial expression, and where every word uttered is fraught with double meanings and hidden agendas. Note that this afflicts members of either gender.
(Y)MC: I think that's basically just like a few days of ridiculous hysteria and massive emotional instability that precedes the shedding of uterine lining in women. This occurs on a monthly basis and is typically synchronized to the waning and waxing of the moon. But to be honest, I don't really know. My wife can definitely more accurate and professional insights into this subject matter.
Jimmy: There is an imbalance of hormones because she was waiting to find out whether or not the stork was going to come visit later.  She finds out that the stork isn't coming to visit, and the extra hormones she had for the potential stork visit screws her up. Or some lame excuse like that, anyway.
Rob: Psychotic Mood Swings. Shortly followed by Potential Murder Suspect.

2. Is it true that girls are more mature than guys?
Scott: You know how girls peak at their early twenties, but guys can reach their peak much later in life?  For example, 40s Brad Pitt and George Clooney are way more dashing than their younger versions.  You know why that is?  It's physiologic irony due to the arrogance girls have in thinking they're more mature than guys: because they think they're so mature, girls' bodies age faster and their looks accordingly degrade at a rate directly proportional to their pretentiousness.
Joses: No. Although guys tend to be cheesier, a sign of the prolonged adolescence of our time. The real question is, whose cheesiness is more mature? That depends primarily what temperature you leave your cheesiness in.
(Y)MC: Assuming that age(male) = age(female), I suppose it is generally accepted that maturity(female) > maturity(male). But I'd like to emphasize an important point: maturity isn't necessarily a desirable characteristic (especially if your target audience is really, really young). Immaturity is the new sexiness, no?
Jimmy: I'm going to hear from this because of my occasional behavioral choices, but I think NO, girls are not more mature than guys.  I think that the society defines maturity as acting mature, or, more often, not acting immature.  I define maturity by the ability to react to any given situation (especially a difficult/adverse situation).  In my experience, at the same age group, guys are much better at dealing with tough situations than girls.  Sorry ladies (or maybe I've just hung out with extra manly men in my life.)  
Rob: Immaturity can present itself in many ways, but what grabs our attention is the loud & obnoxious kind. There could be just as many immature girls, they're just not as easy to spot. What is certain is this: a person's maturity doesn't necessarily increase with age.

3. Is it okay for a girl to "wear the pants" in the relationship?
Scott: It's ok for girls to offer solutions and best practices, what the guy should do is know when to defer to the knowledge of his female partner and when to trust his own decisions.  I think that's what male leadership should mean--humility to follow the counsel of others when appropriate.  Also, I know that some girls like to wear pants to show off their butts because they're superficial like that, but skirts are way cuter.  I love those T-Mobile 4G commercials with the girl in the pink dresses... she's adorable!!!  
Joses: In a relationship, you've gotta give her a reason to wear the dress. Like it was worn by Kate Middleton, or if it was designed by Vera Wang. Or like, she just looks great wearing that dress (That line usually works).
Although, if you're a male slave of the Amazons, you don't really have a choice. Just suck it up like a man, bro.
(Y)MC: Yes, I think it's okay for a girl to "wear the pants," but I try to make sure that I wear it more often than she does. But honestly, I think this whole pants-wearing thing should be equal opportunity amongst the two people in the relationship.
Jimmy: I believe that a girl can wear "some" pants, but I not "the" pants.  I grew up in a household with a very manly (John Wayne-ish) father, but also a very confident, outspoken mother.  For a man to lead doesn't require a woman to change who she is and blindly follow her male counterpart.  It means the guy MANS UP and leads, and the girl accepts that leadership.  This puts the pressure on the men to be good leaders and make good decisions (it's easy to be led by a good leader.  Men...Man up).
Rob: I find confidence in a woman very attractive, but the negative connotation commonly associated with this phrase makes me think of a controlling, insecure micro manager, which is . . . not attractive. A man needs to be a man.

4. Finish this statement: I hate it when girls....
Scott: Play mind games.  Don't lie to me, I know you do it, and I know you teach each other how to do it.  It's so repugnant to use such psychological tricks to manipulate unsuspecting, oblivious guys who are desperate for affection and thus will read into everything a cute girl does toward him.  They do it without even knowing they're doing it--making flirtatious jokes with a guy friend isn't friendship, it's irresponsible. 
Joses: step out of the house with wet hair. Freshly washed hair does smell nice but doesn't look great. Start early - give yourself time to blow/towel dry your crowning glory.
(Y)MC: get together and talk about stupid TV shows like Sex in the City and Lipstick Jungle (the latter of which I once watched religiously). I also hate it when girls talk about "oh my boyfriend did this..." or "ya my husband did that." SHUT YOUR FACE, WOMEN. And those guys need to stop being such over-achievers and making the rest of us look bad. Doesn't anyone honor the Bro Code these days?
Jimmy: Point out when they think they look unattractive in pictures.  For several reasons.  1- They're often WRONG.  2- Not everyone is photogenic ALL the time (well...maybe Joses).  3- Voicing a possible insecurity can often make you more insecure.  Come on, ladies, you're better (and better looking) than that.
Rob: ... are not authentic.   ... lack understanding/perspective.    ... are consumed with gossip.   ... flake out.

5. Finish this statement: I love it when girls....
Scott: Are into "guy stuff."  Sports, comic books, red meat and fast food, sci-fi movies and video games.  Not only does it mean that the girl has really good taste, but to me it's a mark of independence and a care-free spirit for a girl to be into things that aren't considered very appropriate for her.  I know "Smallville" is a mediocre TV show, but when a girl wants to watch the same crappy thing I do out of pure dork intentions, that's pretty sexy.  In a non-sexy kind of way, I suppose.
Joses: Smile.
(Y)MC: I love it when girls stay in the kitchen and cook delicious yet refined food. I also love it when girls nurture their skills in being or becoming a good, solid, and reliable domestic engineer -- responsibilities include, but are not limited to: cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry, grocery shopping, mowing the lawn, shoveling snow, taking out the trash, checking my children's homework, packing lunches, organizing carpools, writing thank-you notes, wrapping gifts, origami, etc.
Jimmy: Look attractive while dressing modestly.  It can show class, good decision making, and a confidence that they don't have to dress a certain way to get attention (...unless they're trying to get my attention).
Rob: ... are comfortable in their own skin.    ... are good listeners.     ... have clear and passionate goals.    ... have a confident, humble beauty about them.

About the Panelists:
Scott knows that guys are just as messed up as girls, if not more so--he just wants to make sure you know that girls are messed up too, alright?!  You can read more of his messed up opinions at Joses spent many a night sleeping in the same bed as Miller. He now lives and studies in Oxford. (Y)MC is a son, brother, and husband. During his spare time, he enjoys long walks on the beach, authentic Taiwanese food, and streaming movies online. He believes almost all heterosexual inter-racial relationships are severely skewed, favor the white man, and consequently further disenfranchise the Asian male demographic group. As such, he has embarked on a personal mission to restore the balance in the world of inter-racial love-making. / Jimmy is a self-proclaimed "man among boys."  Not a pompous statement, just a job description.  / Rob is a freelance digital artist and musician. He would love for you to have a great day today.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

6/9 Thursday Thoughts

Scattered Thoughts on Christian Living:

It's really hard to have really good accountability.  For me...I have a way of having different friends for different topics of conversations.  With some friends, we talk basketball.  With others, we talk fantasy football.  Also, relationships (or gossip about other people's relationships).  It seems like I even have certain friends who I go to when I want to complain about a sermon or something a Christian group is doing wrong...

But in all of this...who do I go to to bear my soul to? share my sins with?

I feel like throughout the years, I've had many accountability partners.  And I'm grateful for the dudes who have taken on that task.  But as I get older, it gets harder to reach out to someone else and ask them to make sure I'm really living my life in a way that glorifies God.  But why is that?

Is it because I have a hard time pinpointing people who live that Godly life I want?  Or is it because I feel so un-Godly that I don't want them knowing how often I fail?

It's obvious that many Christian men...lose accountability as they get older.  They leave structures (ie youth groups) that had clear mentor-mentee; discipler-disciple relationships.  And then just become "men" with no checks and balances.  For some, they will marry women who will take on this role, BUT if I'm these women...I'm hoping that there's some other dude out there who's shares this burden of helping the man hold onto God.

There are a lot of issues that prevent solid accountability partners...many are logistical...others are prideful....

But next time we see each other...let's cut the crap.  When I die and stand before God's judgment seat, it won't be relevant that we talked about sports or girls....but maybe....just maybe...our conversation about my walk with God...really helped me love God more than I had before.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

6/8 Wednesday Weekly

MillStar of the Week: A MillCredit goes to Paul Revere!!! Although I really wanted to give Sarah Palin the MillDud for totally making up a story about Paul Revere's ride by including new facts about guns/bells/warning the British and not the colonists....the real winner in all of this is Paul Revere!

Now people will actually go visit Paul Revere's wikipedia page and learn about what really happened....until Sarah Palin's people hack into it.  Paul hasn't felt this much love since 1775...

MillDud of the Week: This week's MillDud goes to Justin Timberlake for grabbing the breasts of Mila Kunis at the MTV Awards Awards.  What is it with JT and MTV?!? Fool me once, shame on you (and Janet Jackson). Fool me twice, shame on.... you again!!!  Dear MTV, stop giving Timberlake the forum to grab more boobs in public.

MillBoard Charts Song of the Week: The song of the week goes to "Just a Dream" by Nelly.  Nowadays, I pretty much judge rap songs based how many words I can understand and if the words I do understand don't include vulgar language/ this song gets really high marks!!!  Mad props to Nelly who can actually sort of sing without autotuning.

I'm gonna also link you to an excellent cover version done by Sam Tsui and Christina Grimmie....because I can understand EVEN MORE words when it gets slowed down and is performed by Youtubers who are not "street" or suffer from St. Lunacy like Nelly.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

6/7 Tuesday Milligan

Nowadays, when I talk about my basketball career, I talk about how I peaked in the 5th grade and it's been a decline since then...

At church, I played basketball with kids 3 or 4 years older than me, which is more impressive if you consider that they had already had their growth spurts.  Even though I won't claim that I could beat them, I held my own because I was a deadly 3-point shooter from the right corner.  Even though I was really tiny and had no real arm strength, I managed to master a two-hand push shot from my chest that arc'd really high in the air...reached it's apex at roughly 2/3 of the distance between myself and the hoop and managed to go through the hoop at a pretty high percentage! (I even got the 2nd highest score in a shooting contest held in my city that year!)  Out of fear that my shot would be blocked by my numerous taller opponents, I put so much arc on my shot that I hit the roof of the old Chinatown YMCA Bubble at least twice during the regular season.  The reality was I couldn't really offer our Saints team very much as a 5th grader except by exciting the crowd with the possibility that this tiny pudgy kid might make a 3-point shot in a game against high-schoolers.  I am very grateful to my teammates and our token coaches for always putting me in for the last few seconds of every half and drawing up a play to get me a shot.  More often than not, I got blocked or missed badly...but I was so grateful for being able to play 1 minute per game (even though most kids today would complain with the lack of fairness in dividing up playing time...I was just happy to be there.)

Now all of this sounds great.  Is this just a humblebrag?  Why is this story a milligan?

Because once I developed enough strength to shoot the ball with one arm...I abandoned my push shot for a conventional shooting motion...and was never the same again.  I continued to shoot tons of 3-pointers...but probably missed 80% of them.  Sure, I rarely got blocked now...but man I traded my most valuable skill to just be like everybody else.

Moral of the story: When someone tries to teach you to shoot, you should just go on and give 'em the boot.

Monday, June 6, 2011

6/6 Monday MillBox

Q: Be honest, Miller.  Your blogs have tended to only last for 2 weeks before inevitable death.  Is the end near? -- longtime reader

A: Hmmm...good question!  As I sit here having to make up all these questions (including this one), I'm not sure how much more content I can produce.  I'll be honest.  If it weren't for the fun of doing the Friday Friendzone segments and if it weren't for my girlfriend helping me come up with things to write about, this blog might have already died...haha.  BUT, yeah... I think in the long-term, I'll keep doing MillBox (if there are enough questions provided), Milligans, Weekly awards, and Friday Friendzone.  The Thursday Theological Thoughts is really hard to write because unlike the other segments I need to really make sure I don't write anything misleading or heretical!  In the near future, I might alter the Thursday segment to something else and I might consider renting it out to guest columnists.  Let me know if you're interested in renting out a Thursday!

Q: Dear Miller, I noticed that you take pride in your name so much so that you name your segments MillBox, MillStars, MillDuds, Milligans, etc.  Well...let's say your name was a synonym of "penis" like my last name is...why is it so wrong for me to flaunt MY name? -- Representative Anthony Weiner (New York)

A: Representative Weiner.  Simply put, it's wrong because your name is Weiner.  If I was born with a name like Tony Weiner, I would do one of two things with my life:
1) Start a hot dog stand called Weiner's Weiners.  OR..
2) Do something else AND do everything in my ability to avoid a scandal involving my weiner (....especially one that involves a picture of my weiner being sent out on twitter!!!)

Clearly, you failed on both fronts.  Check out what Weiner's college roommate Jon Stewart had to say about Weiner's weiner scandal.

Q: Does anybody you know besides yourself still care about (fake) wrestling? -- your girlfriend

A: Ummm....probably not?  Next question...

Q: How many dates should you have before initiating a DTR ("Define The Relationship" conversation)? -- Darrell Tyrone Robinson 

A: I think you should have 3 dates before you DTR...BUT I must say that the DTR I had at the beginning of my current relationship came at the end of our very first date.  So let me amend my statement to say...I think you should have 3 dates before you DTR UNLESS your first date is 10 hours long with an angry Japanese girl, in which case, you should just go ahead and DTR on the first date.

Q: Why do people insist on popping pimples when it's bad for you and causes scarring?

A: Cuz it's sooooooooooooooo fun to see all that pus ooze out!!!!!! Who's with me?

Remember, if you have ANY questions for next week's MillBox, please submit them in the comments section below!