Millting Points: American Idol thoughts:
- Amanda Overmyer really scares me. How scary???...think Roseanne scary.
- Once Carly Smithson got voted off...the show became harder to watch.
- How did Chikezie not make it big?!? I mean, his full name is Chikezie Eze!!!
- Instead of giving cars both Davids, they should have given both cars to David Cook.
- Seeing David Cook win it makes me genuinely Red Sox 2004 happy.
- Seeing David Archuleta lose it makes me wonder if his dad will ground him for life.
Daily MillDud: A MillDud goes to David Archuleta. No explanations needed.
MillBoard Charts Song of the Day: Since last night marked the finale of American Idol Season 7, the song of the day goes to my favorite performance of the season: "Always Be My Baby" by David Cook. The original by Mariah Carey reminds of when I first started following music (see the Milligan). This version, though, is so creepy that I like it. For some reason, a girl singing "don't you know you can't escape me" is a lot different from a guy singing it. Write THAT down as a gender difference.
Milligan: When I was in 5th grade I knew absolutely nothing about music, but for some reason all the other kids at school did. I remember one time being asked if I liked the Beatles. Because I knew for a fact that my "uncool" Dad loves the Beatles, I thought they would surely be deemed as "uncool." I told my friends that the Beatles were awful and got criticized. Boy, was I wrong.
Question: What do you think of the "There can only be one" commercials for the NBA playoffs?
Miller: I think someone needs to make a spoof where they match up half of Sam Cassell's face with half of Mike Bibby's face. The ugliest man in basketball...there can only be one.
Question: Jimmy, how do you know if a girl is interested in you? ~M.F. Thingy, Providence, RI
Jimmy: Unfortunately for me, it has to be obvious. It has to be obvious in terms of gratuitous affection, her treating you differently than her other guy friends, and sometimes you can just see it in her eyes...however, sometimes you can be wrong about the signs and you're so far into the "friend zone" that you didn't even know what hit you. That pretty much sums up my life.
Millage People Shout-out: Mad props to the family of Joses Ho. They're coming today for commencement weekend. Should I make Joses look bad by talking to them in Cantonese?
1 comment:
David Archuleta. What can I say? I think Jeff might ground him for life for not being the winner. Can't expect any less from a former Star Search winner.
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