- Have a Celtics Party.
- Figure out what I want to accomplish before I die.
- Watch Chinese soap operas.
- Actually put some time into a solid edition of the Daily Millings.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Thursday 6/5 Poor Man's Millings
Millting Points: Things I could be doing right now instead of studying:
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Wednesday 6/4 Sister's Day Millings

A Series of Sister-Related Milligans: In late 1992, I first became a fan of pro wrestling. Something about it really got me hooked to the point that I pretended to be a wrestler. I started by perfecting some basic moves on stuffed animals...then I invented some of my own moves on larger objects like those cushion chair things. Eventually, I had to practice my craft on real people...including my sister. I remember one incident, in particular, when my sister was laying down on her bed (in slumber party position-belly down and knees bent) watching television. Without her noticing, I climbed up onto a 4ft high bookcase behind her and did a diving somersault into her. From the momentum of my tumble, she rolled off the bed and her head hit the desk. If I remember correctly, I felt pretty bad...this is one of the times I thought my sister was legitimately hurt (because she would often feign an injury just to get me in trouble).
When I was in 4th or 5th grade, I noticed that my sister had grown tired of practicing the piano to the point that my mom would yell at her for not doing so. Seeing an opening to make myself look better by making her look worse, I told my mom to sign me up for piano lessons. For a year or so, I did pretty good in my piano lessons. I even did some kind of piano evaluation thing that my sister hadn't done. Feeling a sense of accomplishment, my interest in piano was revealed to be a fraud and I didn't to take lessons any more. It is acts like these that make me ashamed of how I treated my sister while growing up and motivate me to treat her better nowadays.
Millage People Shout-out: Mad props to my mom and dad, who made it all possible.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Tuesday 6/3 NBA-less Millings?
Millting Points: Things I can write about that are not related to the NBA:
- Spelling
- Politics
- New Kids on the Block
- Fashion
Daily MillDud: A MillDud goes to Massachusetts Senior Senator (and American Royalty), Edward "Ted" Kennedy. You may have just had successful brain surgery....but because you escaped any real punishment for killing a woman 40 years ago, you are the first political MillDud.
MillBoard Charts Song of the Day: With the stunning return of the New Kids on the Block and their shameless attempt at having a "summertime" hit, the song of the day goes to "Stay the Same" by the youngest member of NKOTB, Joey McIntyre. I don't have perfect pitch or anything, but I think the choir is out of tune in the beginning of the music video when they're in the studio. Am I right?
Question: What's the deal with girls wearing pants/shorts with words on the butt?
Miller: Good question...I think it's a travesty to the moral fiber of America and I don't like it one bit. Let me break it down for you. First of all, you can't help but look and you might be labeled as a pervert for doing so. There's a double standard when it comes to noticing things on girls...when you don't notice a new haircut there's a penalty, but if you notice there are words on her butt, there's no reward. I mean...we were all taught at a very young age to read as much as possible...so if you had a giant word tattoo on your shoulder (a la Carly Smithson), I would try to read that, too...but not because I have a thing for shoulders. Second, I've noticed that some girls wear the word "JUICY" on their butts...how did that even become trendy? If they sold T-shirts that said "BOOBS" across the chest, would you wear those, too? Once again, I admit that I am no fashion expert...but c'mon...words on the booty?
Didier Dinh's NBA Dinh-sider: The Celtics strength will make the Lakers choke. Los Angeles will miss their 3pointers, Pau Gasol will have trouble, Odom will choke and that will force Mr. Bryant to take over and the Lakers will fall cold. Paul Pierce tends to shine against them too and he will force Kobe to guard him one on one, which will add on to Kobe Bryant's deterioration in performance through out the series. And though, every Derek Fisher team fights till the end, I'm calling Celtics in 5. That's right, I'm calling them out! As much as I would love to have them win in Boston I think this one will end rather quickly.
Millage People Shout-out: A big shout out to the Umamster, who hopefully will enjoy this edition of the Millings. With the exception of the NBA Dinh-sider, I tried to talk about things other than the NBA and even tried to include some of my expertise regarding fashion.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Monday 6/2 Millings
Millting Points: NBA Finals:
- Prediction: Celtics in 6. Also, I think Game 6 will be a blowout win with Scal holding onto the ball as time expires.
- Finals MVP: Believe it or not, Ray Allen
- Aftermath: Doc Rivers will suddenly be considered one of the better coaches in the NBA.
- The Toughest Matchup for the Celtics: No, not Kobe. Let's just hope Violet Palmer is nowhere to be found. If Hilary and Barack were to have a lovechild daughter who wanted to be an NBA referee, Violet Palmer did not set a good precedent for her.
Daily MillDud: A MillDud goes to NBA Commisioner, David Stern. How do you explain the scheduling of the Finals? Game 1 is on Thursday...okay, I get it...you want to steal viewers from NBC's Thursday lineup.....but Game 2 isn't until Sunday...why isn't it on Saturday? Perhaps they don't want to provide TOO MUCH basketball in one day since we all know how NBA fans are ALSO WNBA fans.
MillBoard Charts Song of the Day: Here at the Daily Millings recently, we've put a little focus on the so-called "friend zone." Just to give you a more in-depth view of the "friend zone" (this time from the female perspective), the song of the day is Taylor Swift's "Teardrops on my Guitar." Just watch the music video and tell me what Drew's problem is?!?
Millage People Shout-out: I want to give a shout out to some old guy at Verizon Wireless, who kindly waived the $50 charge for the repairing of my cell phone. I am also grateful that "repairing" actually means "replacement with a brand new out-of-the-box version."
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