A Series of Sister-Related Milligans: In late 1992, I first became a fan of pro wrestling. Something about it really got me hooked to the point that I pretended to be a wrestler. I started by perfecting some basic moves on stuffed animals...then I invented some of my own moves on larger objects like those cushion chair things. Eventually, I had to practice my craft on real people...including my sister. I remember one incident, in particular, when my sister was laying down on her bed (in slumber party position-belly down and knees bent) watching television. Without her noticing, I climbed up onto a 4ft high bookcase behind her and did a diving somersault into her. From the momentum of my tumble, she rolled off the bed and her head hit the desk. If I remember correctly, I felt pretty bad...this is one of the times I thought my sister was legitimately hurt (because she would often feign an injury just to get me in trouble).
When I was in 4th or 5th grade, I noticed that my sister had grown tired of practicing the piano to the point that my mom would yell at her for not doing so. Seeing an opening to make myself look better by making her look worse, I told my mom to sign me up for piano lessons. For a year or so, I did pretty good in my piano lessons. I even did some kind of piano evaluation thing that my sister hadn't done. Feeling a sense of accomplishment, my interest in piano was revealed to be a fraud and I didn't to take lessons any more. It is acts like these that make me ashamed of how I treated my sister while growing up and motivate me to treat her better nowadays.
Millage People Shout-out: Mad props to my mom and dad, who made it all possible.
twenty something!?
you should know what that "something" is...
Good luck with your last test of your first year at med school, Miller!
good. filial piety.
i was really mean to my brother too. now you're bringing my shameful memories back.
i can't help but notice the vast difference in thickness of the siblings' eyebrows. presumably one pair is artificially maintained (akin to grass on a golf course), whereas the other pair is organically sustained (akin to buying groceries from whole foods).
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