Monday, June 6, 2011

6/6 Monday MillBox

Q: Be honest, Miller.  Your blogs have tended to only last for 2 weeks before inevitable death.  Is the end near? -- longtime reader

A: Hmmm...good question!  As I sit here having to make up all these questions (including this one), I'm not sure how much more content I can produce.  I'll be honest.  If it weren't for the fun of doing the Friday Friendzone segments and if it weren't for my girlfriend helping me come up with things to write about, this blog might have already died...haha.  BUT, yeah... I think in the long-term, I'll keep doing MillBox (if there are enough questions provided), Milligans, Weekly awards, and Friday Friendzone.  The Thursday Theological Thoughts is really hard to write because unlike the other segments I need to really make sure I don't write anything misleading or heretical!  In the near future, I might alter the Thursday segment to something else and I might consider renting it out to guest columnists.  Let me know if you're interested in renting out a Thursday!

Q: Dear Miller, I noticed that you take pride in your name so much so that you name your segments MillBox, MillStars, MillDuds, Milligans, etc.  Well...let's say your name was a synonym of "penis" like my last name is...why is it so wrong for me to flaunt MY name? -- Representative Anthony Weiner (New York)

A: Representative Weiner.  Simply put, it's wrong because your name is Weiner.  If I was born with a name like Tony Weiner, I would do one of two things with my life:
1) Start a hot dog stand called Weiner's Weiners.  OR..
2) Do something else AND do everything in my ability to avoid a scandal involving my weiner (....especially one that involves a picture of my weiner being sent out on twitter!!!)

Clearly, you failed on both fronts.  Check out what Weiner's college roommate Jon Stewart had to say about Weiner's weiner scandal.

Q: Does anybody you know besides yourself still care about (fake) wrestling? -- your girlfriend

A: Ummm....probably not?  Next question...

Q: How many dates should you have before initiating a DTR ("Define The Relationship" conversation)? -- Darrell Tyrone Robinson 

A: I think you should have 3 dates before you DTR...BUT I must say that the DTR I had at the beginning of my current relationship came at the end of our very first date.  So let me amend my statement to say...I think you should have 3 dates before you DTR UNLESS your first date is 10 hours long with an angry Japanese girl, in which case, you should just go ahead and DTR on the first date.

Q: Why do people insist on popping pimples when it's bad for you and causes scarring?

A: Cuz it's sooooooooooooooo fun to see all that pus ooze out!!!!!! Who's with me?

Remember, if you have ANY questions for next week's MillBox, please submit them in the comments section below!


mikey said...

is your girlfriend a real person?

your girlfriend said...



mikey said...

hi miller