A: Nope...not at all. My love for pro wrestling is too deeply ingrained. Pro boxing doesn't offer anywhere near as much drama leading into to the match unless it's really between the 2 most famous boxers of the generation (ie Foreman vs Ali, Tyson vs Holyfield)...but nowadays the only appealing boxing fight would be between Pacquiao and whoever you think is the best American boxer....but everyone's dodging Pacquiao apparently...
As for real boxing, I've took a boxing class a few years back with my girlfriend. It was actually pretty fun...but probably most fun because I was inside a ring for the first time. If boxing lessons weren't so expensive, I'd probably do it again....although my inability to jump rope was quite embarrassing...especially since I had probably out-athleted Lisa in everything we had done together up until that point. Lisa, by the way, is now a regular at her local boxing gym...
Q: [Mill-Bots] What's the creepiest robot of all time?
A: Hands down...it's gotta be Teddy Ruxpin! For those of you who have never heard of Teddy Ruxpin: imagine a stuffed animal teddy bear that sort of looks like a chipmunk (based on the picture on the right). Take away all it's cuddle-ability by putting a solid cassette tape player into its belly. THEN...make it seem like he's reading a story to you by making its mouth move whenever you press the play button!!! Having had a Teddy Ruxpin as a little kid, I'm shocked that I didn't secretly believe there was a similar cassette tape player inside of me! I wonder if they make Teddy Ruxpin mp3 players now...in which you plug a usb cord into Teddy's back to sync him...hmmmmm...
Q: [Mill-Boss] Who's the Boss: George Steinbrenner, Bruce Springsteen, or Tony Danza?
A: Technically...Tony Danza was never a boss at all...because on the Sitcom "Who's the Boss?" he was actually sort of a man-nanny for an alpha female boss....BUT...who cares?!? Tony Danza is, in my opinion, THE BOSS!
Q: [Mill-Bach] Do you ever listen to classical music?
A: Pretty much never...unless my dentist forces it upon me...if I ever need music to block out the noise of others...I usually turn to the "piano solo" station on Pandora. Speaking of Pandora, be sure to check out the 90's Summer Music channel for much needed nostalgia! (Credit to Annamelon for this discovery.)
A: I think "Bros before Hoes" is generally a good rule of thumb...but sometimes it's given much more power than it deserves. Sometimes you gotta break the rule because you just don't think a dating relationship involving these 2 people is a very good idea for one or both of the parties. Our present culture seems to be very pro-dating, so it's probably good to have people around you who are willing to tell you not to be a bonehead and date someone who you obviously shouldn't marry or whatnot. Sometimes, the best way to be a "bro" is to run a little interference so he can't succeed in his pursuit of a certain girl. You run the risk of them both hating you for what you're doing and them becoming even more motivated to date because of their newfound "Romeo and Juliet" complex.....BUT maybe...just maybe....they'll one day realize how you were just trying to speak some truth into their lives and push them out of the way of an oncoming truck.
Strangely enough, I've actually seen Manny Pacquiao's house in person...it's fairly close to Liz's folks place in the Philippines.
Total agreement on Teddy Ruxpin...that thing is creepy, all smiling and telling stories while staring at you with those glassy dead eyes. I mean, what if your cybernetic teddy bear goes postal on you because he's tired of reading the same stories over and over and over.
Millbox questions: If all the Teddy Ruxpins in the world revolted and tried to take over, could Manny Pacquiao stop them?
If you crossed Teddy Ruxpin with Manny Pacquiao, would you get an evil genius teddy bear with phenomenal boxing skill who would proceed to take over the world and make everyone read him bedtime stories, or would you get Chewbacca?
Millbox Question: WHY do you use so many ellipses?!
Millbox question 1: what would be the best way to let everyone know that I'm pregnant? (FYI-- I'm not yet as of now but this is for future references.)
Millbox question 2: what is the best way to cope with the recent onset of heat waves across the United States of America?
Millbox question 3: besides abstinence and other man-made devices, what are some of the best "natural" or "holistic" way to minimize the risk of unwanted pregnancy? Note-- the use of the Gregorian calendar doesn't count as an alternative approach.
Millbox question 4: if you had to be stuck on an island and reconstitute the human race with someone, would you rather choose Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg, or Queen Latifah?
Millbox question 5: so I've been doing a ton of sanding recently, and I'm kind of near the end of having semi-clean but always colorful underwear to put on. Which would you recommend-- forego underwear entirely, flip them inside out, or just find some paper bag or cling wrap to put on until laundry is done?
I'd appreciate it if you'd divulge your wisdom on these crucial issues.
Forgot to add... I also want girlfriend's question be addressed... Those ellipses... First they was cool... But now... They just kinda get in the way of reading... Is this because this writing is done in a... Stream of consciousness... Style? Verbal diarrha...? Also... My phone doesn't seem to like it when I type "Yufu"... It keeps autocorrecting to "Yugu"... Which sounds and looks totally stupid... Why does my phone do that...? (That's another Millbox question there...)...
weee. almost as good as a milstar!
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