MillStar of the Week: A MillCredit goes to
"Campus Crusade for Christ" for the great run it had before officially
changing its name to "Cru" last night. I am incredibly thankful for how God has used this organization to draw many college students closer to him (myself included). I always liked how "Campus Crusade for Christ" was a really overtly honest name to define what we were trying to do. It was edgy and said "this is what I'm gonna do....I'm gonna tell people on my campus about Jesus Christ...that's my crusade." But now...what am I supposed to do with a name like "Cru"? Am I supposed to say "I did Cru in college" and then explain that I wasn't the coxen?
As of right now, I'm not liking the name change...but I wanna see if it actually improves anything before I give it a MillDud...
Another Asian Girl MillDud? |
MillDud of the Week: This week's MillDud goes to Rupert Murdoch's wife,
Wendi Deng Murdoch. While on the surface, it seems like she was the quickest one to defend Rupert after he got the ol' pie in the face....further research demonstrates that this act of heroism must be taken with a grain of salt. You see...Wendi Deng was born in mainland China...moved to the USA with a student Visa and lived with a host family. She had an affair with her host father's father...and married him to stay in the USA. THEN after 3 years of marriage, her host grandpa divorces her when he finds out she's been cheating on him with some other dude! Fast forward a few years, Wendi Deng is working for a Murdoch company in a Hong Kong branch...and right after Murdoch gets a divorce, he marries his employee Wendi Deng! (btw...he's 80 something and she's 40 something.) If her history doesn't scream "we want pre-nup, we want pre-nup," I'm not sure what does!
I wouldn't put it past her to have staged yesterday's heroic act to gain his favor...or to gain international fame....but I'm not the type to slander, am I?
Nice Burberry Bucket Hat, Ja. |
MillBoard Charts Song of the Week: In honor of the terrible week that JaRule and JLo just had, lemme cheer them up by giving them a meaningless award!!! In case you wanna know, JaRule went to prison for tax evasion...and even worse...he went to jail in NEW JERSEY!!! As for Jenny from the Block, her marriage to Marc Anthony has ended....I never understood why she married him in the first place...because he seemed too authentic Latin for someone who had just been in serious relationships with Ben Affleck and Puff Daddy. Nonetheless, this week's song of the week goes to
"I'm Real" by Jennifer Lopez and JaRule.
and Marc Anthony is ugly
She doesn't look too bad for her 40s
@Bearded: you would say that. what is this 2004?
seriously...just cru?
does anyone else not see the numerous "cru crux cran" jokes that can be made from this? I think the Epic portion might be particularly at risk their.
Millbox questions
- Are chinese accent jokes too racist for this blog?
- Should I get a Cru cut? Should we avoid CRUde language? Is the Ivy conference all about reCRUitment? Does Stevey D Douglas have crupies? How does "crucifiction is cruel, but cru is cool" rate as a slogan? Bah, too many to make, I better go recruperate.
Millbox questions--
1. The "daily" component of dailymillings has been a bit inconsistent as of late. Are we approaching that turning point of losing interest?
2. Who would you rather have as a brother-in-law (i.e. this guy will be marrying Kathryn):
(A) Joshua Harris ("I Kissed Dating Goodbye," "Boy Meets Girl", and the upcoming release "Boy Kissed Boy");
(B) Yaw Darkwa (soon-to-be NYS licensed attorney);
(C) Glen Davis AKA Big Baby (cried when KG yelled at him); or
(D) Mr. James R. Tull (who grows a great beard)
3. Now that Yao Ming has formally announced his retirement from the NBA, is Jeremy Lin going to be our next great Asian hope? He's Taiwanese (the best kind of Asian), FYI.
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