Like any kid with a shopping spree would do, I didn't even think about splitting up the $150 among several items. Instead, I looked for one toy to rule them all!!!
As fate would have it, the newly released portable gaming system SEGA's Game Gear had just been released and was selling for $150...
The Bad News: Game Gear didn't come with any game cartridges...
So which game did I choose?
Wisely, I chose NBA Jam, which one of the only sports games to stand the test of time and be relevant even today!
Not so wisely, though....I didn't realize that Nintendo's GameBoy would actually have infinitely better games than SEGA's Game Gear....and actually have a resurgence of popularity many years after Game Gears were phased out completely.
In the game's storyline, Shaquille O'Neal wanders into a kung fu dojo while heading to a charity basketball game in Tokyo, Japan. After speaking with a kung fu master, he stumbles into another dimension, where he must rescue a young boy named Nezu from the evil mummy Sett-Ra.Moral of the Story: Whenever you have an enormous gift certificate, spend it wisely or else you'll end up like'll have nothing to show for it except for a lousy blog entry filled with regret 15 years later! So at least spend it on something that will lead to a blog post of fond memories!
For example, if I gave you a $50 gift card for McDonald's, DO NOT do the reasonable thing and split it up into 10 meals of $5 value. INSTEAD, get $50 worth of Chicken McNuggets and swim in them!
I had a game gear too! I think I had like a traveling bag with it..
dude it had color way before gameboy did tho!
mikey-- "Color" = better??? What do u have against blacks? And what do u have against whites?
Also FYI mikey on iPhone auto corrects to Miley.
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